
my name is ethan, i also go by Harry! im 6teen years old and use he/they,, also my flags: im very new to coding,, i started coding during june last year and am currently trying to teach myself how to do advanced codes and stuff from memory.. my birthday is april 16th and i live in australia ! lastly im in the waiting list to get an autism diagnosis! ive been a self-shipper since the RIPE year of 2017 and i have the HOTS for severus snape

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(bold r my biggest interests)

fallout (tv show), deadplate, pokemon, Homestuck, good omens, mha, total drama, Harry potter, cookie run kingdom, junji Ito manga, saiki k, zombies, Shaun of the dead, the walking dead, animal crossing, pony.town, creepypasta, the black phone, the goldfinch, the amazing digital circus, murder drones, rick and morty, scott pilgrim, daybreak (webtoon), Dan vs, Star trek TOS, star trek lower decks, the hunger games, i love amy, sweet home, bastard, killing stalking (not in a weird way...), beastars, mob psycho 100 and final space!!!


im a LARGE nerd, like. a HUGE nerd. i love manga and anime of most kinds,, currently im finishing off mha and trying to force myself to watch blue lock,,, i also love fantasy books and movies, im really into harry potter. i'm a snape stan forEVERRRR. i love video games, i play a few nintendo games and a couple games on my phone/xbox. my favrouites are: pokemon, obey me, roblox, acnh, minecraft and Hogwarts legends! i love pokemon, the absoulte AMOUNT of merch i have for it is ridiculous. i have played the majority of the games and my all time favrouite pokemon is dragonite

Lucky Charms Heart