welcome to the freakspace

about the site


a lot of my code broke randomly, and while i will attempt to fix it im not quite sure itll work :( hoping i can get it to work again

HI! this website was made specifically to put my mark on the internet, i hope you have fun exploring ( .3. ) this website sucks ass on mobile but do what you will. even so, do have fun having a look around!! my discord is "crockadillaz" if you want to text me. i also use instagram, my account is "fishhooves"!! there IS a chance i wont respond so just let me know you found my account from here and please dont take it personally if i take awhile to respond! i WILL get back to you eventually!!!! this is probably obvious, however, if something new occurs on a page ill put next to it.


I Choose You!

:: Dragonite!

id like to add that i stand with palestine.